
New Faculty and Graduate Students 2017-18


The Cornell Mathematics Department faculty currently includes 39 tenured and tenure-track faculty, 15 emeritus professors, 7 postdocs, 8 field members from other departments, and 19 senior lecturers, other faculty, and visitors.

Graduate Students

We currently have 66 graduate students (including visiting and non-degree students) who play an essential role in all aspects of the department: teaching, research, mentoring of undergraduates and community outreach programs.

Recent PhDs


Staff homepages contain job descriptions, office hours, and related links.

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Department Administration

Department Chair:   Prof. Ravi Ramakrishna
Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS):   Prof. Xiaodong Cao
Director of Graduate Studies (DGS):   Prof. Michael Stillman
Director of Teaching Assistant Programs:   Dr. Kelly Delp
Administrative Manager:   Betsy Collins