Mary Ann Huntley

Ph.D. (1997) University of Maryland, College Park
Research Area
mathematics education
My research focuses on curricular influences on the teaching and learning of middle and high school mathematics, specifically targeting the algebra strand of the curriculum. Most recently I have been investigating issues related to fidelity of implementation.
Selected Publications
One-step and multi-step linear equations: A content analysis of five textbook series (with M. Terrell), ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education 46, (2014) 751-766.
Researching the enacted mathematics curriculum: Learning from various perspectives on enactment [Editorial] (with D.R. Thompson), ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education 46 (2014), 701-704.
Examining variations in enactment of a grade 7 mathematics lesson by a single teacher: Implications for future research on mathematics curriculum enactment (with D.J. Heck) in Enacted mathematics curriculum: A conceptual framework and research needs (2014) pp. 21-45. D. R. Thompson & Z. Usiskin (Eds.), Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Developing tools to examine variations in mathematics textbook implementation in Approaches to studying the enacted mathematics curriculum (2012), pp. 47-66. D. J. Heck, K. B. Chval, I. R. Weiss, & S. W. Ziebarth (Eds.), Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Student-made games to learn the history of mathematics (with A. Flores), PRIMUS 21 (2011), 567-576.
A history of mathematics course to develop prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ knowledge for teaching (with A. Flores), PRIMUS 20 (2010), 603-616.
Teachers’ perspectives on fidelity of implementation to textbooks (with K.B. Chval), in The K–12 mathematics curriculum: Issues, trends, and future directions (2010 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook) (2010), pp. 289-303. R. Reys & B. Reys (Eds.), Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Measuring curriculum implementation. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 40 (2009), 355-362.