Mathematical analysis covers a wide range of different subjects. Areas currently active at Cornell include: dynamics, harmonic analysis, potential analysis, partial differential equations, geometric analysis, applied analysis, and numerical methods. In addition, we value the many interactions with other areas such as differential geometry, geometry, Lie theory, combinatorics, and probability.
Notable contributions of Cornell faculty to analysis include: Larry Payne’s work on ill-posed problems, Len Gross’s logarithmic Sobolev inequality, Strichartz’s estimates, James Eell’s work on harmonic maps (joint with J. Sampson), and Richard Hamilton’s seminal contribution to the Ricci flow.
Field Members
Differential geometry and geometric analysis
Applied analysis and partial differential equations, mathematical continuum mechanics
Analysis, differential equations, differential geometry
Harmonic analysis and partial differential equations
Nonlinear dynamics
Analysis, potential theory, probability and stochastic processes
Harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, analysis on fractals
Dynamical systems applied to physics, biology, and social science.
Number theory, automorphic forms, and mathematical physics
Numerical methods, dynamical systems, nonlinear PDEs, control theory
Emeritus and Other Faculty
Numerical solutions of partial differential equations
Complex variables, Teichmüller spaces
Dynamical systems and differential equations
Functional analysis, constructive quantum field theory
Dynamical systems
Number theory, representation theory, algebraic geometry
Numerical solutions of partial differential equations
Dynamical systems
Graduate Students
Harmonic analysis
Activities and Resources
- Analysis Seminar
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
- Geometric Analysis Seminar
- Scientific Computing and Numerics Seminar
- 5th Cornell Conference on Analysis, Probability, and Mathematical Physics on Fractals
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates
- Dynamics at Cornell — dynamical systems software and information