Non-degree and Visiting Graduate Students
Applicants who wish to receive advanced training in mathematics but have no intention of pursuing a Cornell Ph.D. degree may apply for admission to the graduate program as non-degree students for a maximum of two semesters. Ph.D. students at other institutions who wish to visit the Cornell graduate program in mathematics for an extended time (more than a few weeks) must apply for admission as non-degree students.
A non-degree student works under the supervision of a faculty advisor. A non-degree application will only be considered if the applicant has found a prospective advisor who is a member of the graduate field of mathematics at Cornell, is willing to direct the intended work, and is willing to sponsor 50% of the visiting student's tuition each semester.
Non-degree applicants must follow the application guidelines for regular Ph.D. applicants with the following differences:
- There is no deadline for non-degree applications.
- Non-degree applicants who are Ph.D. students at other institutions need not submit recommendation letters or GRE scores.
The non-degree application can be found here: . You must contact Melissa Totman for a non-degree Graduate School code required by the system to complete your application.
Financial Support
The Graduate School requires proof of health insurance and sufficient financial resources for living expenses before enrolling any non-degree applicant. The amounts required will be prorated for the length of the student’s stay. Non-degree students must also pay tuition fees and other costs. However, each year the College of Arts and Sciences offers a limited number of full or partial tuition fellowships for non-degree students. Upon the recommendation of the student’s advisor, and subject to availability, the director of graduate studies will apply for such a fellowship on behalf of the student.